How To Develop And Deploy Your Web App (Angular + Tomcat Server + MySQL)

This is a web application which contains both frontend and backend. I develop frontend with Angular and backend with Java API program running on Tomcat server. It will request data from MySQL database using Java API and display the data on web page.

Since the tutorial is too long to read, I seperated it into many parts and post them on Medium. My link is here.

It mainly contains these parts:

  • Part 1: Develop Frontend Page With Angular
  • Part 2: Install Tomcat On Server (Local & Remote)
  • Part 3: Develop Java API Running On Tomcat Server
  • Part 4: Install MySQL And Create Database (Local & Remote Server)
  • Part 5: Connect To MySQL Database in Java API and Deploy It On Tomcat Server (Local Server)
  • Part 6: Connect To MySQL Database in Java API and Deploy It On Tomcat Server (Remote Server)